Feeling Nostalgic?

Nostalgia by satosii

Satosii is a Twitter friend from Tokyo, who creates wistful electronica landscapes.

Nostalgia is a mellow and kind composition that shows the power of music to construct images …

For me … The long summerdays of childhood. My first real keyboard, a Korg M1, on which I typed in patches from Keyboard Magazine. Small moments … the bird that, as I write these words, flitters around in a bush outside my window.

The LoFi vibe, enhanced by guitars and pianos, the minor keys that are punctuated by bursts of well-placed dissonance, sometimes going into Asian scales that at first may sound strange to a Western ear ...

Quote from satosii’s Spotify bio: “Every sky repeats life and death, light and dark”

Lend your ear to satosii. Twitter: @satosii_music

Article by mAncient
(Håkon likes music. @mancient_com on Twitter).
Above Image: "Sunset over Lilla Le (by mAncient)"