The Lorenzo Interview

The Lorenzo Gabanizza Interview

Lorenzo is a Multi genre musician - Rock, Country, folk, celtic - songwriter, novelist, collaborator with music legends, Jeff Christie, Snake Davis, Donovan, Vic Elmes etc.

If you had to name one song from any genre that really speaks to you, which one would it be and why?

There are many, especially from the golden years (60-70). The artists which influenced me, like Dylan, Diamond, Donovan, Barry Ryan...How could you not be touched by the lyrics of Bob Dylan? "Forever young" is a song which cut my heart in two, each time I hear it, or "Lay down your weary tune":

The ocean wild like an organ played
The seaweed wove its strands
The crashing waves like cymbals clashed
Against the rocks and the sand

Isn't this poetry? But as long as I've got to choose one, I would choose "For all Mankind" by Jeff Christie, because it's a song, unfortunately, so topical right now and, albeit filled with pain and wisdom, is a call to hope for all of us.

Are you a Mulder or Scully?

It depends on your vision of both the characters. Personally, I would say that I am more Mulder. Scully is deep, sensitive, but very precise, tidy, sometimes cold...While Mulder is a noisy and a bit messy guy. That's closer to who I am...

Do you believe aliens have visited planet earth and if so what do you think they think about mankind?

I don't believe they did. But if they ever do, they would surely think we are very primitive and slaves of our emotions. Don't take me wrong, I think emotion is paramount in our life, but not when it's a Master whom you blindly follow.

What was the happiest day of your life and why?

The happiest day of my life surely was when my son was born. Having a child changes your life and perspectives, it surely does, but I would say that you feel a part of you living beside you and you know, that's a weird and awesome feeling.

If “God” (whatever your idea is on that) were stood before you now, what one question would you ask him/her and why?

Hey, Man, why have you taken so many people outta here? They were too young and we still need them! Elvis, Marilyn, Jimi, Truman Capote, Bruce Lee, Marcel Proust, Antonia Pozzi, Jean least tell me, are they ok?

As an expressive artist in the music industry, how does the state of the planet make you feel?

Bad. I feel sad and bad about our planet. To see how life goes on, with no respect for nature or human life, and seeing the governments not taking steps towards a more responsible green policy it bewilders me. Aren't they aware that our choices are weighing on the future of our children? Aren't they aware that there's but one home where we all live together? It's like seeing a family pouring gasoline on a burning home instead of pouring water, and well this is foolish. I think the problem, the major problem is, besides egotism, the perspective. Our life isn't to be seen from a personal perspective, but as the ring of a chain. This is what our leaders miss. If they don't start to see the big picture, if we also don't start to look at the big picture, we are destined to destruction. Because our life has influences on others, for generations. It's true that one plastic bottle in the ocean doesn't destroy the ecosystem, but when we are thousands of tourists, it makes thousands of bottles per day. And that, yes, it damn destroys the ecosystem. So that's advice too for humanity: never forget that your life and person impacts this world. It's up to you to decide whether in a negative or positive way.

Do you think as a person of some influence that there is a duty on us to help influence humanity for the better?

Of course! We, artists, have an even greater responsibility, because we are there in the spotlight and we have to show the way or call people to the responsibility of their actions, as Dylan or Guthrie did so many times. In this perspective, it's true what has been said in the movie "Spider Man": With great power comes great responsibility.

If you were stood before the leaders of the world, what would you say to them?

after having scolded them and, after having some of them removed from their duty, I would tell them to stop this shit. They can and they must. They are the ones who legiferate, they are the ones who chose the path. So now stop spending money on what destroys and spend it on the things which build something.

And finally my last question is in fact one written by Freddie Mercury in the song “Is This the World We Created”?

A Great song by Freddie. Sad to see that so little has changed from the years in which Freddie sang that song. Because poverty still rages along with war in this world. I can answer you saying that this is not the world we created, but it's also the world we created. Because, after all, we have not decided wars, or devastating policies, but when we shave and let the water run, when we use intensive farming, when we use the car to go a hundred meters far, when we don't stand up against violence, racism, injustice... Well then yes we are part of it, we are just helping to create this self-destructive, obstile and sick world. So, let's live in peace and unite all together because the moment to act is right here, right now. If we want to give our children a safe and happy future, let's do it now.