Peter Groenwald – "Do You Remember?"

5 out of 5

Peter Groenwald's upcoming single "Do You Remember?" is a very accomplished pop number that will stick in your head long after the last note has faded. It's very cleverly produced soft pop/rock with lots of ear candy for the listener. The acoustic guitars that come in at the beginning of the second verse are fantastic as is the orchestration. In fact, the song begins with a pizzicato riff that will grab your attention right away. 

Yet, the real star here is Peter's singing. It's effortless and inviting. This guy has a great voice and his falsetto is absolutely brilliant. To me, it's reminiscent of Carl Wilson's wonderful voice. Peter's got the same range and softness. Check it out and you'll know what I am talking about. 

You'll find the song here when it comes out on October 6: Peter Groenwald

News post by Tom Tikka for MBTM