Ben Blackett is a music promoter
Not everybody knows that he is also a fine musician.
I could talk volumes about the quality of his latest track, which is Bandcamp only until the general release March 23rd.
Winds of Time...
But... I would much rather give you his words from the notes...
We are ephemeral beings trapped in a moment of time, yearning to break free of our stony embrace. With eyes fixated on distant horizons, we strive for a freedom that we have not yet known. Yet it is in the here and now that we must exist and live our lives. We must find ways to flourish and outlast the winds of time. Not as individuals - as you and I are but a drop in the ocean - but as a unified whole, changing the very landscape upon which we all flourish or all perish together. Escaping our singular fate is impossible. But, like soft wind or water changing the face of stone over time... we just might be able to shape it for our future generations.
If we dare to dream as one.
Winds of Time is a reflection of the passage of time in a world that seems to change by the minute - yet oddly stays frustratingly still as well.
Connect with Ben on Twitter: @BlackettMusic - and if you are into ephemeral, lush landscapes of sound... Listen to his song!
Article by mAncient. (Tulku Haakon Rian mAncient Ueland - @mancient_com on Twitter - is no longer affiliated with the Kingdom of Atlantis. That means he is no longer a Duke, and will have to go back to his former title of Lord. (He is the proud owner of 1 square inch of Scottish soil, and the title came along with it).
He recently left music. It took less than two days, and a beautiful Grand piano enticed him back.
Hawk spends a lot of time looking at the stars. Music: HERE (and a book))
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