Is Money the Root of All Evil?

In the world we live in, our lives are structured around money. We must earn to live. The problem is the "system" of money is controlled by the ruling elite of the world and the small 1% earn more than the rest of us put together. We are controlled from birth by money. But where did it come from? Who is behind this manipulative and controlling factor of our lives? 

Money lending originated in a culture that had previously spent thousands and thousands of years bartering and surviving based upon family and group or socially oriented methods. But people, instead of actually bringing a product to market, started to promise they would bring a pig or an ox as payment and this was the lie and deception. The following week at market the pig or ox never arrived and so laws were brought in, but people evaded even these and so a new market stall was created by the Church and today we still refer to this stall with the same name – bank. This bank (from the Germanic route bancka or Italian banca, both meaning, table or bench) replaced the pig or ox with a new thing called money – the promise. The very word itself ought to have given us some indication of what was to come, for it is derived from the Latin word monere, which means ‘to warn.’

It was backed by the wealth of the state or religion, which were intertwined anyway, and so people had trust in it. Eventually people used this trust and started to borrow from the funds based upon future harvests. When the harvest didn’t arrive the individual was suddenly under the subjugation of the authorities until the loan was paid off. In this way our modern capitalist state is based upon a lie and uses the individuals desires or even in the extreme, greed, to tie them up in ever increasing debt.

In the time before money, man offered the gods his goods and the priesthood accepted on behalf of their imagined masters. Today we offer the gods money and the priests do the same. If there were no gods, there would be no priests requiring us to make our offerings. I know that this is a massive over simplification, but yet again it makes a point – the priests create a ‘value’ called god and add to that – it is added value.

Look at it this way. A diamond is a lump of crystallised rock. The world is full of them, and yet somehow we have added value to it and now it is precious to us. It is actually of no worth other than what human’s place on it and has no spiritual or practical value and the animals would walk past it without a care. It cannot feed you, it cannot save you and it certainly ought not to make you any happier than you already should be. And yet, people kill each other for them – based upon the value created by another man. An artist puts paint on a canvass and adds value – he is colouring up the mundane and charging us for it. Will it feed us? Will it save the starving of Africa or stop the brutal murder of innocents? I think not.

All of this is what Islam calls the kafir system. It is the unseen force that is behind many evils and is lead by the Dajjal – the anti-Christ. So, even the very dark side of religion is given ‘extra value’. In this way, the system is actually at odds with what it is supposed to do – it is paradoxical and yet self-sustaining. Society is run on this system – but ask yourself, what does this system care for justice, love, need? It is, like the tale of that little girl in the Cathedral, feeding off the desires of man and at the same time subjugating him. It is adding value to the inner spiritual nature of man with a lie.

The truth is that we have a spiritual nature brought about by our own consciousness and desire to understand the big questions. We have emotions, empathy and feelings about the world, people and animals around us. We look towards the heavens in wonder and then along comes a man in a religious frock and gives us explanations and all he asks in return for access to this wonderful new world of peace, harmony and heaven, is ten percent of your earnings. Not for him you understand, but for the gods. Today there are many lies and much deception. They are not always so obvious, in fact the majority are subtle. But they always tend to offer us something, which most of the time we could have done without or found within ourselves.

A lifetime of such deception turns a man dark. It weighs him down with fear, guilt, desire, lust, and in the end he forgets what he really wanted and needed in the first place. He is consumed by other people’s ideas of what he should be. Only by understanding that these things are false - that he did not need to pay the priest in the first place, that he did not need that diamond ring or painting - will he free himself from the cycle of debt. But more importantly, he will free his mind of the false desires and understand his true self. It is this freeing of the mind with the knowledge of our, and other people’s deceptions that is the route to true enlightenment. This is the real reason that the Catholic Church and other ‘authorities’ tried to stamp out decent. If we look back in time to those organisations that orthodoxy tried to eradicate we find one truth at the core – that those who would be free were gatherers of knowledge. One only has to look at that wonderful tale of the Egyptian city, Alexandria, with its millions of books and scrolls encompassing the wisdom and knowledge of the world and the ages past. It was burned to the ground by Christianity, afraid of the power of knowledge.

It is time to free ourselves of the bonds of ignorance.