Is It a Byrd?

The One and Only Gene Parsons Speaks to Minds

Gene Parsons is an American drummer, banjo player, guitarist, singer-songwriter, and engineer, best known for his work with the Byrds from 1968 to 1972. Parsons has also released solo albums and played in bands including Nashville West, the Flying Burrito Brothers, and Parsons Green. Along with guitarist Clarence White, he is credited with inventing the B-Bender (also known as the StringBender), a device which allows a guitarist to emulate the sound of a pedal steel guitar. The device is often referred to as the Parsons/White B-Bender, a trademarked name.

But his biggest accolade now is that he spoke to Minds Behind the Music!

If you had to name one song from any genre that really speaks to you, which one would it be and why?

When I first heard ‘Salty Dog Blues’ by Flatt & Scruggs it was a wonderful introduction to what could be done with a banjo or any instrument for that matter. When I slowed the 33 rpm record to 16 rpm I realised that Earl was not really playing all that many notes, but it was HOW he played them that made the driving sound and rhythm I was hearing.

The song that is on my mind just over the last few days is ‘From A Distance’. The lyrics speak strongly about what is happening with our planet . . . RIGHT NOW.

Are you a Mulder or Scully? Do you believe aliens have visited planet earth and if so what do you think they think about mankind?

I certainly would not dismiss the possibility that aliens may have visited planet Earth in the past. If I were an alien to this planet and was visiting today I would wonder if humans would be able to find a way to be more cooperative, less greedy and more compassionate and reverent to all life. I am afraid I would be very concerned that humans don’t look to be up to the task of saving many of the species on Earth, including our own.

What was the happiest day of your life and why?

I have had so many ‘happiest days’ that it would be difficult to choose just one. I know that when I can finally see a point of completion to a large and challenging project there can be moments of extreme joy. Other people’s accomplishments and happiness can cause me to have joy. I have had moments of extreme happiness and joy playing music with wonderful musicians.

I have come close to death and ‘dodged the bullet’. There were a couple of those very happy days. Sometimes just having my morning cup of coffee and listening to the birds sing makes me very happy.

If “God” (whatever your idea is on that) were stood before you now, what one question would you ask him/her and why?

Oh God . . . why can’t we humans learn to enjoy our diversity and learn to care for one another?

As an expressive artist in the music industry, how does the state of the planet make you feel?

I am very concerned and a bit panicked that we are not going to leave a habitable planet for our children or the other creatures.

Do you think as a person of some influence that there is a duty on us to help influence humanity for the better?

Yes I do. And even if it at times seems futile, we must carry on and do all we can to make this a better world, for everyone and all the beings that remain.

If you were stood before the leaders of the world, what would you say to them?

Listen to Greta!! And listen to the children, the impoverished and the desperate people of the world. We need ACTION now and we need CHANGE now! NOW!! Brave leadership and action is the only thing that will have a chance to save this world.

And finally my last question is in fact one written by Freddie Mercury in the song “Is This the World We Created”:

This world was once so beautiful. And in many ways, in spite of our callous and selfish abuse of her, Mother Earth is still quite beautiful. Given a chance, at least some of her lost splendour could be encouraged to return. But we would have to stop logging all her forests, burning coal and oil, polluting the ocean with sewage and plastics and radioactive waste and . . . . over populating the planet with billions of human beings that have little or no access to educations, food or shelter. And we would have to learn to cooperate as a planetary community and cease all war and war industries. When I was born in 1944, there were barely 2 billion humans on the planet. Now there are nearly eight billion? And it is estimated at the rate of births happening now, we will be at ten billion during this century. What is wrong with this picture?

No . . we did not create the natural world. However, yes, we, or the ones in power ARE responsible for creating the world we live in today by nearly destroying it for short sighted, short term, selfish PROFIT.

O.K. I’ll get off my soap box now.

Yours truly,

Gene Parsons

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