Catching up With a Sci-Fi Legend

Claudia Christian Speaks to Minds

Claudia Ann Christian is an American actress, writer, singer, musician and director, known for her role as Commander Susan Ivanova on the science fiction television series Babylon 5. I managed to catch up with her.

My first question is, what would you most like to be remembered for?

Helping people across the street

We know most politicians were born in the fiery pit of hell as the spawn of Satan, but what's your opinion of the politics of the world today?

It's stupendously depressing

Can you tell us all about your past, present and future?

I was born in a circus tent in 1985….Oh you mean the truth? Don't you have IMDB or can't you go to

You have a wonderful voice and you've actually done a lot of voice-over work. Can you tell us about this? What in, how hard was it, is there a special skill?

It's a very special skill and no one should ever try it (this will hopefully leave more jobs for me)

I know you've spent a lot of your time with aliens, but if you were an alien visiting planet earth, what would you do? Would turn around and go back? Or stay and try and help? Or maybe conquer?

Try and help with what? The dishes? World peace? Traffic problems? I would most likely get a really good burger and call it a day….

What has been your greatest achievement so far?

Not having children.

What has been mankind's greatest achievement?

Cotton buds.

If you had the chance to speak to every human being on earth, what would your message be?

Think before you open your pie-hole.

If your life depended on it, which Soap Opera would you do a cameo in?

I have never seen one in my life but I suppose General Hospital or Emmerdale (is that a soap?) those are the only names I know…Oh and 'All my Children'.

If a tree falls in a forest, and nobody is around to see or hear it, does it make a sound?

Hell yes, what are you daft?

Have you ever felt pressured by the fact that what you do in the public eye or when you're acting it may affect society? Have you ever wondered whether you were doing the right thing?

I am doing the right thing. I'm on a mission from God!

What advice would you give to actors today?

Give it up, the Kardashians are famous, enough said

Why do you think music and words seems to work so much better than just words as a means to get a message across?

Because people are mostly pretty dumb so they need a melody to follow

What kind of movies do you watch and why?

Sexy movies, do I need to explain why?

What are your opinions about the power of the internet?

It's pretty darned scary but it sure has made life easier. Then again I haven't seen nature or daylight in a decade so I guess it's not all good.

Do you think man is created in the image of God (or Goddess) or the other way around?

Women rule, we can give birth so we are the rulers of the world, get used to it. Men were created to provide the seed and mow the lawn

A recent scientific report stated that religion will eventually die out completely. What's your opinion on that? A good thing or a bad thing?

Good Lord…how would television evangelists survive? How would priests get their rocks off? People would have to take responsibility for their own actions and not blame it on "God"…now what kind of world would that be?

Is "free will" the whole of the law? Can man ever be truly free?

Not as long as he owes taxes and has a credit card

Do you back Nuclear Power? If not, why not.

I have no vested interest in it and I think they've done WAY too much "testing." A lot of cancer floating around the world…Wonder why…

Do you believe in Ghosts? UFO's (i.e. aliens visiting planet earth)? God?

Are those 3 things the same to you guys? Ghosts? I've seen one so yes, Aliens and UFO's …never seen one but I did see some crazy ass lights in the sky in Puerto Vallarta one night back in the 90's….God? Saw Him too…So yes.

Have you ever experienced altered states of consciousness? How, why and was it beneficial? And would you recommend it to all politicians, business and religious leaders?

I had a weird trip once on tequila and I could swear I could talk to trees. I think I ate the worm. It was pretty cool. I also took mushrooms accidentally when I was a teenager (they were in a milkshake a naughty boy gave me) and that was really freaky. Gargoyles came out of the walls and I ended up naked on the roof of the house not knowing why I was naked or how I got up there. I don't like drugs for all of the aforementioned experiences.

It was not beneficial except for opportunities like this where I can recount a silly drug story. As far as politicians experiencing altered states of consciousness - aren't all politicians aliens? So aren't they already in an altered state? Hello! Are you guys for real? Don't you know this already?

What's the craziest thing you've ever done?

This interview.

What would you still like to achieve?

Financial freedom, so I can bugger off and live on my private Island with a small but respectful and trustworthy staff to attend my every whim and need.

Would you ever record a duet with Justin Bieber?

Justin who? The kid with the ridiculous hair? Of course I would. It could lead to the aforementioned financial freedom. I ain't dumb ya know.

Do you believe in manmade global warming? Or is it natural?

It's all because of hair products, especially hair spray…that stuff has totally violated our ozone layer and I for one have boycotted it for ages!